A lot of people

Planet Earth is overpopulated with humans and as the population increases it will put an increasing demand on resources like food, water, land and energy. Here is a list of some of the effects of over population.

The world population is currently about 6,635,293,257 (go here for an up to the minute number).


Australia’s population is only about 21,150,245 (go here for an up to the minute number). This sounds pretty good when you compare it with China (1,320,000,000). Unfortunately the ‘Optimum Population Trust‘ thinks that Australia is currently overpopulated. They believe that to maintain the current standard of living the optimum population would be 10 million. Yikes!

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One Response to “A lot of people”

  1. Population Figures | zentrader.ca - Stock Market Blog Says:

    […] are?6,732,804,797 people in the world?(go?here?for an up to the minute number). And there are?1,329,244,816 people in China?(go?here?for […]

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