Archive for October 11th, 2007

Crying Crocodiles

October 11, 2007


Crocodiles are a really caring, emotional species of reptile. It has just been discovered that they cry when eating their prey. The truth is they don’t really cry because they are sad, the tears function is—like our own tears—to lubricate the eye. This may be even more relevant for crocodiles because they have a third eyelid.

The search for Aliens gets serious

October 11, 2007

The Allen Telescope Array is a joint effort by the SETI Institute and the Radio Astronomy Laboratory to construct a bunch of telescopes that are dedicated to the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence. When completed, is expected to be composed of 350 antennas.



The first telescope has just formally started operations so it is only a matter of time before we are communicating with aliens. Maybe 🙂

There’s no rain like virga

October 11, 2007

I learnt a new word today – virga. Virga is rain that falls from a cloud but evaporates before reaching the ground. So it rains but you don’t get wet.