Archive for October 26th, 2007

We are in trouble !!!

October 26, 2007


A worrying, but hardly surprising, new report from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) says that major threats to the planet such as climate change, the rate of extinction of species (more here), and the challenge of feeding a growing population are among the many that remain unresolved, and all of them put humanity at risk. Read more here or here.

If you think you’re not to blame check out your ecological footprint here.


October 26, 2007

Here is a semi-random post on the number 37.

37 is a prime number, 37°C is the normal human body temperature, 37 is the atomic number of rubidium and there are 37 genes in the mitochondrial genome. Weird!

For some really crazy 37 information go here.


October 26, 2007

In most countries October 5th is World Teachers’ Day (wikipedia), but in Australia, World Teachers’ Day is celebrated on the last Friday of October, which this year is TODAY. So to teachers the world over – well done 🙂

“A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others.”

Author Unknown