Archive for October 28th, 2007

Our distant ancestors are in trouble

October 28, 2007


Almost a third of all apes, monkeys, and other primates are in danger of extinction because of habitat destruction and the trade in illegal wildlife. Overall, 114 of the world’s 394 primate species are classified as threatened with extinction by the World Conservation Union or IUCN. Isn’t it sad that one primate (humans) are pushing a third of all the rest to extinction. Read more here or here.

Sleep is better than you think

October 28, 2007


I’ve said before – I like sleep. So I’m not sure why anyone would want to deprive themselves of it. Especially considering that sleep deprivation has many adverse physiological effects (here is a list). Scientists have now discovered that brain activity associated with mental illness has been observed in healthy people who miss a single night’s sleep. So if you’re thinking of pulling an all-nighter to study for exams, don’t because it might literally make you crazy!